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+88 0255058476Karim Dredgers Limited (KDL) is a concern of Karim Group established in December 2018 with the core objectives to participate in national development, renovation works and assist in keeping the large number of river channels navigable, increase the capacity of drainage system for protection of devastating flood every year by Dredging round the year. As of today Karim Dredgers Limited has nine most modern dredgers of Netherlands and P.R.C. China in its fleet. Karim Dredgers Ltd has moved forward to help the nation to recover its old heritage of river transportation by making all major rivers navigable round the year.
Our experience in a govt owned project at BEPZA Land development project at Mirsharai, Chittagong, helped us to develop a skilled management team. With a well-established management and technical team, we are confident to undertake dredging project both in most rivers of Bangladesh and coastal areas. Our expertise and know-how of the dredging field enables us to look forward to a challenging journey ahead.
KDL is already a full-service company for valuable contribution towards the river dredging and excavating needs of Bangladesh. The management is committed to continuous improvement and endeavors to meet the expectations of the clients in every project undertaken.