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Friday closedMAIL US
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+88 0255058476We are committed to our corporate social responsibility. Social activities are conducted for the benefit of both employees and the surrounding communities We are continuously helping to enrich the quality of life of our communities through charitable giving, volunteering in the community, improving labor and environmental policies, practicing in fair-trade. We serve and support social programs and partnership that address community development. We provide transport facilities for workers and staffs. We have prayer room and dining room facilities. We use Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) and Water Treatment Plant (WTP) contribution in treating wastewater. We arranged annual picnic and annual sports events for workers enjoyment.
We maintain different standards and regulations to ensure workforce safety. From the beginning employee’s safety and security is the prime concern of Hypoid Composite Knit Ltd. We maintain Environmental, Health & Safety standards to safeguard our environment we live. We maintain all instructions and warning signs as per social compliance requirements in every step of production and operation process. We ensure a positive working environment. We comply with every regulation to ensure employees' safety & security in our workplace. We have our own medical and safety team to identify every employee’s emergency needs and requirements. We continuously investigate and monitor uncertain activities that might create problem in factory security hazards. We always stay alert and follow the preventive procedure for any sudden accidents.
Hence, we committed to take the security concerns of our workers with supreme significance. The Whole factory is monitored by high-quality CCTV.
To enrich the workplace we provide adequate lighting and ventilation systems in our production floor. In dyeing machines and processes, we always use non-hazardous dyes and chemicals. To prevent numerous healths and safety hazard due to exposure of chemicals and other micro dust, all workers wear PPE such as masks, safety goggles, gloves, gown, boots etc during working hours.
Facilities of pure drinking water are also provided among workers to stay dehydrated while working.