
Welcome to Hypoid Composite Knit Ltd

Our Works

Our Works

Raw Materials

All fabrics are dyed from premium raw materials. The dye is a complex compound which is applied in the textile materials. Dyes represent color and contain chromosphores and auxochromo groups in its chemical structure. Different types of dyes are used as raw materials such as – Reactive dyes and Disperse dyes.


High quality dyeing service is the prime goal and activity of Hypoid Composite Knit Ltd. In all over process, it has around 250 numbers of skilled employees. We always maintain standard and agreed lead time in dyeing the product. 

List of our services are given below:

Fabric Type

Type Name
S/J (Single jersey)
La Cost
Rib (1X1)
Flat Black Rib
Rib (2X1)
Ointment Rib
Waffle/ Thermal
Grey Melange
Engineering stripe
Feeder stripe
With any Fabrics Lycra Attachment form
Type Name
S/J (Single jersey)
La Cost
Rib (1X1)
Flat Black Rib
Rib (2X1)
Ointment Rib
Waffle/ Thermal
Grey Melange
Engineering stripe
Feeder stripe
With any Fabrics Lycra Attachment form
Fabric Color

We can dye all types of fabrics including 100% cotton, 100% polyester, CVC(Cheap Value of Cotton), PC(Polyester Cotton) & Lycra attached form. Here are a few samples of our dyed fabrics with pictures.

Fuschia Pink.
Grey Melange 5%
Turquoise + Navy
Royal Blue + White
Ice Green
Dark Sapphire

Machine and Equipment

We have eco-friendly high temperature and impressive dyeing machines and in the production unit. For Batching we have sewing and turning machine. For Finishing we have stenter, compactor, slitter and Tumble Dryer. To ensure quality we have well equipped Lab facilities.  Our maintenance department has both gas and diesel generator to provide uninterrupted power supply. 

Dyeing Machine

M/C No Machine Type Quantity Capacity (Kg’S) Origin
1 High Temperature. 1.00 40.00 Tong Geng (Taiwan)
2 High Temperature 1.00 200.00 Tong Geng (Taiwan)
3 High Temperature 1.00 400.00 Tong Geng (Taiwan)
4 High Temperature 1.00 600.00 Tong Geng (Taiwan)
5 Atmospheric 1.00 1000.00 Tong Geng (Taiwan)
6 Atmospheric 1.00 800.00 Tong Geng (Taiwan)
7 Atmospheric 1.00 400.00 Tong Geng (Taiwan)
8 Atmospheric 1.00 200.00 Tong Geng (Taiwan)
9 High Temperature 1.00 1000.00 Fongs (China)
10 High Temperature 1.00 1200.00 Fongs (China)
Dyeing Machine (Sample)

M/C No Machine Type Quantity Capacity (Kg’S) Origin
1 High Temperature 1.00 10.00 Fongs (China)
2 High Temperature 1.00 30.00 Fongs (China)
3 Atmospheric 1.00 15.00 Bangladesh
4 Atmospheric 1.00 30.00 Bangladesh
5 Atmospheric 1.00 20.00 Bangladesh
Batch Machine

M/C No Machine Type Quantity(Set)
1 Bag Sewing Machine 1.00
2 Fabric Turning Machine 1.00
Finishing Section

M/C No Machine Type Brand Quantity Capacity (Kg’S) Origin
1 Stenter Machine-01 ACC 1.00 600.00 Turkey
2 Stenter Machine-02 Sun Super 1.00 10000.00 South Korea
3 Compactor Machine-01 ACC 1.00 6000.00 Turkey
4 Compactor Machine-02 Lafar 1.00 10000.00 Italy
5 Sliter Machine-01 ACC 1.00 8000.00 Turkey
6 Sliter Machine-02 Bianco 1.00 10000.00 Italy
7 Trumble Dryer Ta-ting 4.00 4000.00 Taiwan
Laboratory Section

M/C No Machine Type Brand Origin
1 Lab Dyeing Machine Mathis Chaina
2 Lab Dyeing Machine Rapid Chaina
3 Spectophometer Data Color USA
Quality Section

M/C No Machine Type Brand Origin
1 Rota Wash SDL Atlas UK
2 Laundering SDL Atlas UK
3 AATCC Crock Meter SDL Atlas UK
4 Wascator SDL Atlas UK
5 Dryer Siemens Germany
6 Piling Tester SDL Atlas UK
7 Washing Machine Whirlpool Chaina
Maintenance Section

M/C No Machine Type Brand Quantity Capacity (Kg’S) Origin
1 Gas Generator Cummins 2.00 380Kva X 02 India
2 Diesel Generator Cummins 1.00 250Kva India
3 Boiler (Fire Tube) Hurst 1.00 6.20 Ton/hr USA
4 Compressor-01, 02 Roller 2.00 200 M3/hr X 02 France
5 Compressor-02, 03 Atlas Copco 2.00 354 Ltr/S X 02 Belgium
6 WTP Bangladesh 2.00 60 M3/hr X 02 Bangladesh
7 ETP Bangladesh 2.00 1000 M3/hr Bangladesh
8 Electricity REB 1.00 150Kva Bangladesh